JACKSON, Tenn. – High school students can now apply to be on the 2023-2024 Mayor’s Youth Council for the City of Jackson.
The City of Jackson Mayor’s Youth Council (MYC) established in 2019-2020 provides our youth a communications link directly to the Mayor to learn about City policies, procedures and governmental workings. This council provides an opportunity to advise the Mayor on issues and concerns facing our youth today. The Mayor’s Youth Council will enable local officials to be more representative of the community as a whole and improve services that directly affect young people.
“The City of Jackson is home to students in our public and private school systems, who have great ideas for the community and the Mayor’s Youth Council gives me the opportunity to encourage them to bring those ideas to the table to make positive change,” said Mayor Scott Conger. “I am honored to serve as their mayor and I look forward to the new group of youth council members.”
High school juniors are encouraged to apply online by clicking Mayor’s Youth Council Application at http://youthcouncil.jacksontn.gov.
Applicants must meet the following criteria for consideration:
- Must be a junior in this current school year
- Must reside in the corporate city limits of Jackson, TN
- Must have a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.5
- Must have a passion for serving their community
- Must have the desire to learn about city government and be a leader among Jackson youth.
The mayor’s office has reached out to local public high schools, private high schools and home schools for submissions. The online application and other documents must be submitted by Wednesday, November 23, 2022 by 12:00 PM. Other documents include the Student Certification and Acknowledgment/Parental Consent Form, two letters of recommendation, and a copy of the student’s official/unofficial transcript.
Students who complete the program will receive a recommendation letter from the mayor.
For more information, including qualifications, contact Gayle Gilbert the community relations liaison for the City of Jackson at [email protected] or by phone at 731.425.8331.